Welcome from the Head Teacher
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A very warm welcome to our new Hunter Primary School website.  We hope this will give you a warm insight into our wonderful school. 

I am delighted and proud to be appointed as Acting Head Teacher of such a wonderful school.  Our highly experienced and committed staff team ensure that our shared school vision and values are at the heart of all that we do at Hunter, putting your child's health, wellbeing and progress first at all times.

Our aim is to provide all learners with a safe, inclusive and stimulating learning environment which ensures your child reaches their full potential.  We provide an education for all learners that encourages them to become successful and confident lifelong learners and be effective and responsible in their community.  We support learners to develop a strong sense of values and foster in them the confidence and skills they need for continued learning, for work and for life.

We hope this website gives you an flavour of what we do at Hunter Primary.  You can contact our school office on 01355 221076 or office@hunter-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk should you have any questions.  

Please also follow us on Twitter/X @HunterPrimary

Gary Campbell
Head Teacher
October 2024 Newsletter (added 04.10.24)  New!
Please find a copy of our October 2024 newsletter in the 'Newsletters' section of the app.

Hunter Primary Parent/Carer events calendar 2024-25 (added 18.09.24)  New!
Please find our HSP Parent/Carer events calendar for session 2024-25 in the 'Popular Links' section.  We hope you find this helpful.

HPS Standards and Quality Report (2023-24) and Improvement Plan (2024-25) New!
Please find an electronic copy of the above document in the 'Publications & Policies' section below.

September 2024 Newsletter (added 03.09.24)  

Please find a copy of our September 2024 newsletter in the 'Newsletters' section of the app.

Welcome to session 2024-25 (added 12.08.24)  
Here's hoping you had a fantastic summer and managed to enjoy yourselves whatever you managed to do.  Six weeks comes and goes in a blink of an eye.

Staff had a good first day back today and are looking forward to seeing the children on Wednesday.

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Lindsay back to our staffing on a temporary basis during Mrs. Rasul's maternity leave. 

Please see below a few organisational details for this week:

Breakfast Club:
Breakfast club will resume on Wednesday (8.15 am - 8.45 am) for Primary 2-7 children.  Primary 1 children can start using the Breakfast club from Thursday onwards.

Children should be dropped off at the canteen door next to the gate into the playground.

Primary 1 arrangements:
We are very much looking forward to our new cohort of Primary 1 children starting Hunter on Wednesday.  It was lovely to meet them at the induction days in June.  The first day of school has almost arrived.

Primary 1 children will have a shorter day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week to allow the children settle in to their new school and routines.

On Wednesday ONLY we ask Primary 1 pupils to be dropped off between 9.30 am and 9.45 am by a parent/carer.  Parents/carers can enter the playground area just before 9.30 am and make their way to the classroom playground doors.  Classroom doors are numbered '1' and '2'.

Parents/carers are most welcome to come into the classroom and take some photos - crying welcome, usually it's the dads!

We ask parents/carers to leave the classroom promptly by 9.45 am.

At the end each school day, Primary 1 children should be collected by a parent/carer at 2.45 pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Again, collection will be from the playground classroom door.

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th:
Primary 1 children can attend Breakfast club (8.15 -8.45 am) and will attend school from 9.00 am - 2.45 pm.

Primary 1 children can be dropped off at the playground gate prior to 9.00 am.  Primary 7 big buddies and Support Staff will be on hand to help them into school and show them to their classroom line.

At the end of the day, Davy the janitor will open the playground gate at 2.40 pm approximately.  Parents/carers can assembly in the playground for 2.45 pm.

From Monday 19th onwards Primary 1 children will be in school 9.00 am - 3.00 pm.

School Lunches - All pupils
A reminder that we are still on the current lunch menu.  School meals are free to pupils in Primary 1-5.  Unless entitled to a free school meal, pupils in Primary 6 and 7 are charged £2.17 per meal.  Payment should be made via your child's ParentPay.  Milk for all pupils is 30p. 

PLEASE NOTE: Children who would like milk (P1-7), please ensure this is paid for via ParentPay each day (30p per day).  Children who are entitled to a free school meal - there is no charge.
* Primary 1 parents/carers, information regarding sign up to ParentPay will be issued shortly.  Please contact the office if your child would like milk in the meantime.
Graham Bell
Welcome to Hunter Primary Parent Council.  My name is Angela Miller and I am the Parent Council Chairperson.  Please see below some information on the Parent Council. 

What is the Parent Forum?
Every parent / carer with a child in Hunter Primary School is automatically a member of the Parent Forum which enables you to join the Parent Council.

What is the Parent Council?
The Parent Council is a formal group with a constitution and is there to act as the Parent Voice of our school.  
Our Parent Council puts a huge focus on the children and what we can do to make their time at school as engaging and fun as possible.  The key element of being able to do this is the great relationship that exists between the Council and the school staff.

The Council members are a friendly approachable bunch who organise events throughout the year which are great fun for our children but also very successful in raising funds for the school.  These funds provide learning opportunities for the children whether that be through IT equipment or school trips.

We openly welcome new members to join us and even if you are unable to attend the Parent Council meetings if you can help in any aspect of our activities, we would love to hear from you.

How can you help?
In any way that you can!  Everyone helps out as little or as much as they can.  You could help by attending all or some of our meetings to help us plan events and come up with new ideas.

You could volunteer to help with the planning of an event out with the meeting times at a time that is convenient for you.  You could volunteer as a helper at the events.  You could help with donations for our raffles and prizes throughout the year.  Maybe you have a particular skill that would be helpful. Or you work for a company that would be a great contact for us when organising events.  There are so many ways that you can get involved to help to make a success of our Parent Council.
The fact that you are a parent / carer means that your voice matters in Education and the Parent Council is a great opportunity for you to become more involved and get to know more about Hunter Primary School.

Our current post holders are:
Chairperson – Angela Miller
Vice Chairperson & Secretary – Laura Luxton
Treasurer – Leigh Robertson

Get in touch
You can get in touch with the Parent Council at any time, either through our Facebook page – Hunter Primary Parent Council or via email 

I hope you will consider participating in the Council at some point in your child’s time at Hunter.  The work of the Parent Council really can’t be done without you.

Hunter Primary School                                                                             Accessibility Statement        

Crawford Drive                                    

East Kilbride                                       

G74 3YB

Tel: 01355 221076             

Office email: office@hunter-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk

Head Teacher email: headteacher@hunter-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk

Hunter Primary School